
Vici Core Download

Latest released (stable) versions

Vici Core v1.0.1

 DateDownload linkSizeDownloads
Source code26-Jun-2012Vici.Core.
Binaries (.NET)26-Jun-2012Vici.Core.NET.
Binaries (Windows Phone)26-Jun-2012Vici.Core.WP7.
Binaries (MonoTouch)26-Jun-2012Vici.Core.MT.
Binaries (Mono for Android)26-Jun-2012Vici.Core.M4A.

Vici Core is also available in the official NuGet gallery.

Development builds

The source code package contains all the source for all platforms. Different solution files are included for each platform. You should be able to unpack the source code package and build all libraries without change any settings.

Download linkSizeDownloads
(this build)
Source code28-Jun-20121103Vici.Core.
Binaries (.NET)28-Jun-20121103Vici.Core.NET.
Binaries (Windows Phone)28-Jun-20121103Vici.Core.WP7.
Binaries (MonoTouch)28-Jun-20121103Vici.Core.MT.
Binaries (Mono for Android)28-Jun-20121103Vici.Core.M4A.
Binaries (Metro)28-Jun-20121103Vici.Core.Metro.

Development builds of Vici Core are available on a dedicated NuGet OData feed. To access the development builds from NuGet, add the following URL to NuGet: http://nuget.viciproject.com/nuget

Source code access (GitHub)

The GitHub repository for Vici Core can be found online at http://github.com/viciproject/core

If you want to contribute, feel free to fork the repository and send us a pull request.